Viking Custom Homes

What Does “Custom Home” Mean?

Looking for a custom home? Here’s what you need to know about customization.

You might have heard the term “custom home” and considered it out of your budget. Custom homes are just as affordable as a regular house, and, as the name implies, are designed with your family’s lifestyle and taste in mind. Even so, it may still be unclear what “custom home” really means. Here is the outline of the three types of custom homes.

Custom Home

On the one end, you have a custom home that is totally in control of the owner. The owner works with the builder and architect to determine every detail from scratch, from the layout to the number of bedrooms to the color of the trim. A truly custom home is the most expensive kind. Still, it may be ideal for those who have a clear-cut vision for what their dream home should be and wish to be heavily involved in the process.

Semi-Custom Home

Semi-custom homes can also offer a high level of customization, but the designs come from the custom home company’s template library. Different companies build different types of homes, so it is important to review their models and see how much customization they allow. You may be able to reconfigure the kitchen, knock down a wall, elevate a ceiling, change the house front, and much more. Semi-custom home building is the most common type and is also more practical, as non-architects wishing for a unique home do not have to figure out the basic, structural issues. 

Spec Home

It is common for some custom house builders to construct new homes on allotted land. These homes are for the average home buyer and are made to sell well. Some people may see this as a downside. For others, the amenities offered are just as amazing. If you are looking for a new construction home with energy-efficient construction and top-notch features, a spec home may be your best choice.

Let us be Your Trusted Maryland Home Builder

Are you ready to bring your dream home to life? Enlist the difference of Viking Custom Homes, Maryland’s trusted home builder of high-quality single-family homes for more than three decades. With over 30 years of experience and a reputation of excellence in over five Maryland counties, we offer the highest standard of customer service and quality assurance for your new home. If you are looking to build on one of our beautiful homesite offerings or on your own lot, we are eager to help you every step of the way towards building your dream home. Let us bring your dream to life by building a home where life unfolds! Contact us online or call today at 410-977-2188 to speak with a member of our trusted team. You can also visit our Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn for more information.