Viking Custom Homes

How to Use Your New Basement

Are you looking to improve that dull basement? With these ideas, you can turn your dull basement into space where you can both entertain and relax.

For some families, the basement is a large unused space that is used for storing Christmas decorations and other random items. You are doing yourself a disservice because you can use this area as a place to entertain guests and use it as a spare bedroom for any potential guests that may need to spend the night. Most people use the kitchen or living room as the primary entertainment area when hosting family or friends. Not using your basement can cause the sense of everyone not having enough privacy to do what they want — utilizing your basement as a space for entertaining family and friends is perfect for any celebration. Contemplate these possibilities of turning your basement into space where everyone can enjoy it. 

Cushy Den

One of the ways you can give that finished basement a purpose is to turn it into a comfortable den that you and your significant other can use especially during those chilly nights. Get yourself a comfortable couch or armchair to give yourself a cozy spot to sit. To make it even more relaxing acquire some blankets and pillows; if you’re thinking of making this spot even more lavish have a fireplace installed. It will keep you, your significant and your family warm during those cold summer months.

Entertainment Center

If your home is the go-to spot for any holiday celebration, birthday celebration or, a major sporting event converting that dull basement into an entertainment center is perfect. Install a large television so any sporting event that’s happening there’s a designated area for people to go rather than being packed in tight around a small TV in the living room. Furthermore, if you host get-togethers for sporting events like the SuperBowl and any major boxing or mixed martial arts fights consider installing a mini fridge or a kitchenette so you and your guests can enjoy snacks and some adult beverages. With that large TV, you can have Netflix or whatever your preferred streaming service made compatible with the television, so you or any other guests want to watch something else. Also, incorporate some shelves so you can store game consoles, games and any board games you may own so your guests can have a choice of what they want to do.

Guest Space

Having guests stay longer than what they were anticipating can be an annoyance for any homeowner. That’s why converting your basement into a living space can alleviate the headache of the situation. If your basement has a bathroom installed also consider allocating a spare bedroom as well. Not only will your guest have somewhere to rest for the night but it will also give you the peace of mind that the guest has someplace to stay with enough privacy. Furthermore, if you decide to sell your home in the future having a spare living space in the basement can increase the value of your house.

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